“I just lost my job yesterday”.
“I don’t know how I am going to live until my next cheque arrives.”
“Are you allowed to help me?”
“I’m now living on the street…”
“I have nothing for my 4 year old’s birthday – do you have any toys?”
“Am I ever glad that you are open!”
These are just a few of the client comments heard at St. Bart’s March 18th Food Bank, where 98 families were provided with basic necessities and a few specialty items donated by area businesses (thank you London Drugs for your ongoing generosity!). Food was supplied to feed almost 200 people. In its 10-year history, this is the largest number attending the church’s monthly “no-barrier” Food Bank.
With volunteer and client safety in mind, the Food Bank was held outdoors; only one client or family entered at a time; “social distancing” was maintained and hand sanitizer was readily available.
Volunteers observing all required health protocols also delivered several hampers to those who were unable to leave their homes due to illness or self-isolation – an active demonstration of the St. Bartholomew’s motto “Connecting with our Community.”
I think it can also be said that the St. Bart’s Food Bank, it’s volunteers and supporters, offer not only community connection but also much care and compassion.
– submitted by Pamela McElheran